Monday, September 15, 2014

Blog 091514

War is hell in the new 'Mockingjay' trailer

In this article about the upcoming movie, Mockingjay, the trailer gives you the overview of what you can expect when the film is released in early November. This obviously related to the books I've read in the series of The Hunger Games, and painted a clear picture in my mind. This article also reminded me about all the times I've been anticipating new novels or movies to release and the excitement and impatience I feel.

The article "War is hell in the new 'Mockingjay' trailer" relates to society and the world today by getting people anxious for the new movie to come out. The article publicizes the trailer more so as the views raise, the movie sales hopefully will as well.

As an individual, I could connect this article to other movies/trailers I've seen and experienced a sense of nostalgia, feeling the excitement of hearing about a new film. I thought the article and trailer connected to the other movies in the series and also had a similar theme to Divergent.

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