Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Blog 120314

I really enjoyed this book and how it differed from other books themes and motifs that we've read this year so far. I thought it was nice to read a novel about something differing from racism, and for me it was a page turner to see the father and son's journey. I thought the book was dark, but not too dark in an inappropriate way. I thought it made sense for it to be depressing, because that was the author's mindset when writing the novel, thinking that the father and son went through a depressing journey. I wonder what truly caused the father and son to lived in a burnt society with everything ruined in the first place. All in all I enjoyed this novel because I think it expanded my knowledge of reading a writing in a good way, and I also thought it was nice to see the movie. The movie helped put a more clear picture in my mind while reading which was nice, and I could also compare and contrast the book and movie of The Road. I think the pacing of reading assignments was pretty quick to read 150 pages over break, but it was still enjoyable. I wonder what the boy's life is like once his father dies and he is adopted into a new family and if he survives very long. He must be a very strong child to not breakdown in all the traumatic events he encounters and his mother and father's death. I can't imagine having a gun in mouth and almost shot, or having my father teach me how to commit suicide like the boy's father did.

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